Sunday, December 13, 2009

Fav photo of the day

Stephen booked a wedding to photograph yesterday. I was not pleased with most of the photo's that I took through out the day, mostly because I was struggling with a flash that wasn't taking commands from the camera. The flash wasn't zooming in and out like it normally does, I suspect this is because I was jacking around with it and changed something I shouldn't have. Thank God Stephen is the photographer and we rely on the photos he takes and not the ones I take.

I did however manage to take this photo at the reception, which isn't of the wedding its self, does not have the bride or groom or wedding party in it but is still my fav for the day. Not so much because it is a great photo but more because the family was so willing to huddle in close for a snap shot of them celebrating a special event. There where some people who didn't try to hide the fact that they really would rather not have their photo taken, one lady even told me I couldn't take her photo. A photo means 10000000 times more when the subjects are happy to be photographed!